What You Should Do Be Healthy: Tips From The Doctor

Many people think that a healthy lifestyle is constant restrictions and discomfort. In fact, there are many ways to be healthy without drastic life changes! Even if you follow them only partially, your well-being and mood will become much better.

Healthy Eating

Drink more water. An adult needs about eight glasses of fluid per day. Try to learn to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up: this allows you to wake up faster yourself and “wake up” the gastrointestinal tract.

Don’t skip breakfast. A hearty, balanced breakfast will keep you energized and energized until lunch. Coffee and cake will not work: combining cottage cheese or eggs, cereal, and fruit is the best option.

Review your eating habits. It is better to compose each meal in this way: half the plate is fresh vegetables, a quarter is a side dish (porridge or starchy vegetables), and another quarter is protein (meat, cottage cheese, eggs or fish). If possible, get rid of sugar and sauces.

Eat on time. Try to go at least two hours without food before going to bed. Distribute meals throughout the day so that there is no break for more than 3-4 hours. But at the first feeling of hunger, be sure to snack a little: this will reduce the risk of overeating during a full lunch or dinner.

Daily regime

Organize your bed. The bed should be spacious, and the mattress and pillows should be firm enough to support your back while you sleep. Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. If the light and sounds from the street interfere, use a night mask for the eyes or curtains and earplugs.

Sleep. An adult needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day to be healthy. We can work hard for a while and stay awake for 20 hours, but in the end, this will lead to problems and poor health.

Relaxation. The best rest is a change of activity. If the work is associated with physical labor, then you should not immediately take up repairs and cleaning upon arrival home. Instead, better take a warm bath, turn on the music, and read a book. And if you have been sitting at the computer for eight hours, then in the evening, you should take a break from the screen: go for a walk, do a workout or cook dinner for tomorrow.

Avoid stress. This is communication with unpleasant people, uncomfortable work, problems in personal life, failures in creativity or favorite activities. If it is impossible to get rid of sources of stress, it is better to contact a specialist in order to learn how to properly respond to stimuli.

Physical form

Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Hard training is not necessary at all: to be healthy, it is enough to walk at a brisk pace for half an hour. Gradually, you can begin to abandon the elevators and get off two or three stops earlier. Activity in the morning will invigorate, and a leisurely walk in the evening will improve well-being and sleep.

In addition, a little gymnastics can be added to the daily plan.

Maintain your weight within the normal range. If you have a clear lack or excess of mass, try to correct it. Both negatively affect the health of the supporting and cardiovascular systems.

Healthy habits

Make a daily routine. This will help organize time, work, and leisure. With a clear schedule, you will not forget about eating or playing sports, and you will also stop forgetting about the necessary rest.

Do a workout. The more often you get up, the better for your legs, back, and heart. It is best to walk a little and warm up every 20 minutes. But activity, even once an hour, will save you from fatigue and restore efficiency.

Get rid of bad habits. It’s hard, and you may have to turn to professionals. But the improvement in well-being and health after giving up alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful substances is worth all the effort.

Follow hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating, after going to the toilet, or outside. Shower daily and brush your teeth at least twice a day. These simple steps will save you from many infectious diseases.

Do a regular check-up of the body. So you can notice diseases in a time when they are easiest to cure. It is best to do this once a year. Don’t ignore the discomfort. If you feel unwell – consult a doctor, do not wait for the moment when it becomes completely bad.